Lady Que's Big Blog of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff.

Just a little corner of the net where I can hide away and exist I guess..

A little of this and a little of that- some of myself, some record of things I find interesting and helpful too.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Skyrim Bathroom 003: the sketches and more goodies

So the painting is done. Well.. I say painting I mean the base coat, and the mural mocks me. I'm starting tomorrow I think ;) but I did some right sketches and got measurements and I know where we are going with this I think. My team ( and by that I mean my kid who is my helper and hung ho to be in this all the way and getting painted and dirty to the max with me, and my husband who is helps where he can but is neck deep in building bookshelves himself) is all ahead.. I think lol this is a slow project, mostly as time and money permit so updates as that goes I guess, but here's whet it's shaping up to be:

Door frame with decorative blocks that are nightingale insignias ( wood burned or carved, all stained Java)
Weird bathroom measurements, but there you go. A 40 year old house, it is what it is.. A lot of it is original and staying- shower and toilet ( resurface eventually for the shower, already replaced the workings in the toilet- is it vintage at 40? LoL)  salvage whatever you can is what we go by- but the cabinet is having issues. :(  and the countertop definitely is- so on we look for affordable and long living and as green as possible and Skyrim-y!

We've already got a few things accomplished: Chris tackled the off centered light fixture and upgraded to energy efficient and LED compatible. 

Plus he replaced the fan light with one that was also LED compatible, with a nightlight and double the airflow capability than what we had ( woohoo! for upgrades to handle teenagers taking all those showers back to back and dealing with sleepover overload to boot)

So part of the trouble is doing this in something that will look nice as Skyrim that I can paint and redo later that won't look ridiculous.. Hopefully we are getting that. We'll see. Going with bronze and grey/white and dark wood tones- like cool snow colors and dark woods. It's going to have a bit of green accent- dark and light for the trees, my shower curtain, etc. 

Liking the look of Vale in bronze 

Brea faucet in bronze

I like the idea of the waterfall type of effect and everyone I've seen in the store whose been looking has drooled over this style or bought it already and adored it. I've heard so many rave reviews. 

We'll keep the nifty round sink we have, resurface the or akin if needs be- but it's cool and vintage looking, original to the house I'm thinking. It needs to stay. 

We'll do Java stain, on the frame and cabinet, probably get an un-stained set of cabinets and do it ourselves for more storage and customization. I wonder about countertop though.. Not yet decided on that. But we'll get there. 

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