Lady Que's Big Blog of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff.

Just a little corner of the net where I can hide away and exist I guess..

A little of this and a little of that- some of myself, some record of things I find interesting and helpful too.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Skyrim Bathroom 002: wall art

So I really like the idea of signs/art made from old reclaimed wood, weathered and used looking. So I figured I could do that with a Skyrim logo for the bathroom.. 

Now, I had enough to do a door sign too... But I was so mean, and ignored the request from my kin to use daedric, and instead crossed universes and totally used the neo-Khuzdul type runes for my alphabet and since there is no bro-Khuzdul word for toilet or bathroom ( really? I figured it would be an essential term.. But I guess I either missed it when searching in the 4k pages of neo-Khuzdul dictionary or it doesn't exist because Dwarrows don't pee LOL)

But I digress.. Here's what I wound up with:

I started out by making a template if the dragon, printed on regular paper, and then I put a layer of clear tape over it for stability, like so:

Then I cut it out with an exact knife:

Voila, template made. 

Next I gathered up everything to use- 
- pins to hold template on (mine are sewing pins)
( not shown)
-staples/staple gun
-woven ribbon
-black and grey paints

Then I cut the wood to size, and sanded the back and edges:

I used woven ribbon and staples on the back to bind the wood slays together, and to create a hanger:

The front side is nice and tight, looks like this:

Next I traced the template on with a pencil for an outline to paint ( I freehand a lot of stuff but I didn't think I'd tamper with this, plus I was able to scale it just right on the computer):

Then, painting commences!

And there you have it:

And of course, runic sign for the door with translation for the not so saavy ;)
It's done exactly the same way..

Next up, the mural of the throat of the world, and aye, there will be dragons!

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