Lady Que's Big Blog of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff.

Just a little corner of the net where I can hide away and exist I guess..

A little of this and a little of that- some of myself, some record of things I find interesting and helpful too.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Skyrim bathroom 001: concept info

So the girls asked for a Skyrim theme and Chris has given the thumbs up too.. I've started the design, layout, all the ground work blah blah. Going to try for as much reclaimed stuff, green stuff as I can. 

Aaryn already made an Alduin in her potter class this year, so awesome! How could I NOT be inspired? Probably won't go in there but inspiration is good!

Photos of idea sketches to come.. I've been banking some pix of 'throat of the world' to use for the mural.. 

Big parts will be:

-New vanity/mirror
-New fixtures ( light, faucet) 
-Paint job
-Mural: Throat of the World
-Mural: Alduin OR Paarthurnax
- Storage shelving
-New graphics for walls (maps, etc)
-Possibly logo for the wall-wood? Dunno. 

I can stick with our current toilet- it's a retro 40 year old classic, we changed the working out in for high efficiency, all good there. Might go with a soft close seat tho- 3 teenage girls, yeah.. Might be worth it. 

I like my fabric shower curtain. It's pale green leafish, I love it. Too bad. It will still work with this theme, and we've glass doors any whoo.. It's mostly decorative, and, well, I love it. 

Everything will be sort of a cool blue/grey/green color, Java tone wood, brushed nickle motif. The tile is grey marbled, or white, and does NOT go with the light sagey green it was painted before we bought it. Pretty but I'm ready to redo!

Slowly, we'll get there. Paint first. 

Pix for inspiration, throat of the world:

Good distance shot:

My favorite I think:
Diggin' the trees.. I think this will be my guide photo, really- imagine the door in the center of the base of the mountain.. The trees can stretch out well enough on either side low to the shower on the left,  round the wall to the vanity on the right. 

Better view of the peak

Not bad shots too:



Love this- props and visit her deviant art for awesomeness!!

I won't say that this will be fantabulous, because, well, I'm not a brilliant awesome artist. But I'm decently skilled with abstracts, and I've got some mad kid style cartooning going on. Cough. Cough. Okay, well, *I* think it's pretty good ;) So we'll just have to see.. 

Besides, they've nixed letting me paint the Shire. I'm going to paint THAT in the solarium I think. HA.  All mine. 

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