I think that drama must follow me wherever I go, whether I like it or not. I would rather it take a hike, really, I am so sick of it. Even when I do nothing, I get blamed for doing something wrong.. so I think form now on I give up, no more friends, no more helping, no more, no more, no more. Got it lady- you were the final straw. Broke the camels back and all.
I had never given it much though before, but there is a big segment of military wives who refuse to associate with other military wives because they see an increased penchant for lying, drama, fights, and upset in general. I have said repeatedly, I am NOT one of those who thinks like that, no, people are people, right? I always thought people were people.
I stand corrected, I think. I don't recall this much drama in my life when I affiliated with only collegiate people, so maybe that's where the difference is. Maybe its the age. Maybe it's that some military and contractor's spouses are here and they are gone and for some of those left home there is a need to dredge up something to do, and then pawn it off on someone else and try to make them feel like shit. Or maybe it's just that I am making friends more with women now, when I used to make more male friends.. Or maybe I am just too big a target- too nice now, too willing to help and mother hen and give. I think perhaps I must look like I have a big bullseye that says 'abuse my trust, treat me like you own me, and like crap at that'... Really, pish off, please. I am nice and it gets me bitten in the heiney. I offer to help and it gets me taken advantage of. DO the right thing, no, that means ostracized. Defend yourself? Heavens no! Why would I want to do that whenI can cow-tow and grovel and act like a simpering ass. Whatever. Log this complaint as you will and stuff it up a tailpipe. With a potato. Butt-a-boom.
I think I will become a hermit.. with maybe a few friends. Very few. Yes, I think thats what I will do.. how you ask? hermits don't have friends... right? Ha! Let me leave you with this quote..
The Doctor: I'm a bit of a hermit really.
The Professor: A hermit with friends?
The Doctor: Mmm. Hermits United. We get together every 10 years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun. For a hermit.
Doctor WHO for the win. Boo-yah.
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