Lady Que's Big Blog of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff.

Just a little corner of the net where I can hide away and exist I guess..

A little of this and a little of that- some of myself, some record of things I find interesting and helpful too.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Halloween: skull wreath

This year we hit up the dollar store to make an LED skull and web wreath.. Super easy. 

8 LED foam skulls
1 metal edged spider web
Duct tape
Sewing pins

Removed big plastic spider from the web. Ick. 

I taped the skulls equidistant around the web, and anchored the tape with sewing pins (nothing wants to stick to glitter coated skulls very well) 

And done. Thought about adding ribbon or raffia, but I like this plain and simple. 
I will probably go back and add some super glue under the tape though. Love to super glue lol

Here's lights on first 

 then lights out, LED on (they strobe different colors)

We're going to hang it outside on Halloween for trick or treating :)

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