Lady Que's Big Blog of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff.

Just a little corner of the net where I can hide away and exist I guess..

A little of this and a little of that- some of myself, some record of things I find interesting and helpful too.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Gosh.. seems like the writing spirit has struck.. dunno if that's good or bad, but it is what it is. So here we go.. think this is the beginning of another creative streak. And believe me when I say it's the beginning.. for each one I post here there are like 10 more cluttering up notebooks at home. *sigh* Someday I might be famous, right? Probably posthumously, so eh, I was neeeeever appreciated. Leave a little love, tell me how messed up I am or how brilliant this is or just say wow. Feed the artist. Please.


Sitting in the dark
wishing it were later
thinking you should be gone
wishing you were elsewhere.
I don't know you,
I don't want to.
I'm not sure why
I thought I did.
Big heart, sleeve, me,
some combination I suppose
and it always gets
me into trouble.

This isn't the first time,
it won't be the last
I'm sure.
How do I save face
and walk away
and recluse into myself

I keep reaching out,
part of the frail
human condition
thrust upon us,
wishing I could
thrust it back,
leave it alone,
I have enough
of those I want,
I think, for now.
I just want stasis,
to be a status quo

One can hope
that the situation
will resolve
and you will
stalk away
somewhere else
look for someone else
and I can be alone
in my own small world
sheltered, and obtuse
the way I should be,
once again.

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